This advanced tutorial series is all about developing a complete vehicle interior concept around the target user experience, in this case a business owner in residential construction. This is a great example of advanced Sub-D modeling with an interior focus.
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In this tutorial you'll see how automotive interiors can be quickly sketched out in 3D, using VR. This interior is based on a full size truck exterior I developed in a series of previous tutorials. This interior converts from a driving mode to mobile office, for business owners in sustainable home building.
In Part 2 of my video series on building a an interior for a full size pickup truck, I start to build surfaces from the lines. Here I focus on the main tub, and headliner. A robust pillar structure is helpful in adding realism under transparent glass.
In Part 3 of my tutorial series on designing a full size truck interior in Gravity Sketch, you'll see how I use the power of VR to optimize the vehicle layout and key ergonomics. Sitting in the driver seat, I quickly sketch out the optimal placement for the steering wheel , touchscreen controls and information displays.
Now for the fun part! After building a rough model of a full size pickup truck interior in Gravity Sketch VR, I begin sketching the interior design theme in Procreate, using 3D screenshots to set up the proper perspective and placement of key components. This is also an opportunity to further explore the interior as a mobile office space for the business owner. My focus is now on the aesthetic development of the interior shape, from which I'll build the final surface model in VR.
In this tutorial, I'll show you a quick rendering style in Procreate for bringing color, materials and graphics into your design concept. Colors, graphics and materials are just as important as form and shape in defining an interior design theme. Rendered in Procreate over a base perspective image generated in Gravity Sketch. Now that I have a clear direction of the design theme, I can return to Gravity Sketch and bring it to life!
In Part 6 of our Gravity Sketch tutorial series, I develop an instrument panel design for a full scale, EV pickup concept. Designed for the owner of a sustainable home construction company, the interior converts to a mobile office space, for taking care of business on the job site.
In this continuation on my Gravity Sketch automotive interior series, I develop a steering wheel design based sketches in a previous video. Steering wheels are one of the most important interior components, because it is the one object that is most seen and touched. It is also becoming a more central control point for all vehicle functions, and advanced driving assistance technologies are creating incredible opportunities to reimagine the form factor.
As a follow-up to my previous video on designing a steering wheel in Gravity Sketch, I decided to update the design with a cleaner look and greater consideration for the folding mechanism. The steering wheel is perhaps the single most important component on a vehicle interior, because it is the most seen and touched. As steering wheels begin to look more like game controllers, more of the vehicle functions can be controlled directly.
In this continuation of my Gravity Sketch tutorial series, I develop the driver's seat based on a recent sketch exploration.
In this final tutorial in the series, I wrap up my EV pickup interior with door trim, rear seating and final details.
Quick spin inside and out for an all-electric, full size pickup truck. Designed for the owner of a sustainable home construction business, this truck serves as the mobile office and base of operations on the job site. Once on location, the steering wheel retracts and a desk pulls out, enabling the touchscreen to serve as a desktop monitor. The back seat provides rest and relaxation at the end of a long day, with a deployable foot rest.
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